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 Accepting Applications



Choosing the right daycare for your child is crucial. Schedule a tour to get to know us. See our nurturing environment and how educators engage with children. Witness the smiles, laughter, and genuine care that fill our daycare. We'll address your questions and concerns during the tour, providing the information you need to make an informed choice. Experience our unique approach to child care firsthand. Schedule a tour today and discover why we're the perfect fit for your little one!

For more information call



  • What ages do you provide childcare services for?
    We operate an infant and toddler program, so we can only provide daycare service for children between the age of 0 – 36 months.
  • Do you have offer both full time and part time?
    We are currently offering both full time and part time services.
  • How do I register for a spot?
    If there are available space, you can register immediately. If there are no spaces currently available, we will add your information onto our waiting list. Once a spot opens up, we will contact parents on our waiting list. To register and reserve your spot, we will ask for: 1) a non-refundable registration fee of $100 and 2) a fully refundable deposit of $850 given that cancellation notice is provided on the 1st of the month and also 30 days prior to termination date.
  • How much is tuition?
    Please contact us directly and we would be happy to send you a brochure which includes information on pricing, schedule and programs.
  • Will my child receive operating funding? If so, how much?
    Government will allocate $900 towards tuition for every family that enrolls in our daycare on a monthly basis. This government program is known as the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative.
  • Will my family receive financial subsidy? If so, what is the difference between operating funding and financial subsidy?
    Financial subsidy is provided to certain families that meet the income threshold. If eligible, financial subsidy will be provided in addition to operating funding.
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